Lakeside Car Show Cobourg
The Lakeside Car Show is one of the largest and longest running car shows in the Northumberland County area. Averaging over 200 vehicles in attendance each year. With our 50/50 draw and silent auction we provide much needed support for ‘”Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice & Care Center. Their commitment is to provide you with the right care, at the right place, at the right time, in a way that makes sense to you. We honour dignity and respect choices by walking alongside our clients, their families and caregivers, to provide high quality palliative care from diagnosis through to death and beyond for those left to mourn. Just reach out. We are here for you.
Date: Saturday July 12th 2025.
Time: 8am till 3 p.m.
Place: Victoria Park, Cobourg
Entry fee: $10.00 per Vehicle
General Admission: No Charge
This years proceeds go to “Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice & Care Center”.
Open to all vehicles 20 years and older not obviously modified including Motor Cycles and Tractors.